Creative online facilitation
Below, in italic, what I have written for the creativity week of 2018. I truly miss the vibes of face-to-face interactions of, and between, people ! However after of 5 weeks of lockdown, I also learned that with a good doze of creativity our working methods, can be transformed to online ! In bold you find my online translation of 2020 !
I discovered FourSight – exactly 10 years ago. I do remember the FourSight-boot in a corner of the gym of Buffalo University, organised by Creativity & Innovation Management Community. During the conference we got a lot of research based input (interesting but not so clear how to use it in our practice) but at foursightonline.com I found practical tools – research based- for supporting the breaktrough thinking of teams.
Back home we focussed on introducing Foursight, understanding the personal preferences as a way to improve teamwork. Over the years the framework of clarifying, ideating, developing and implementing became more and more ‘a way of thinking’ and that is how it ‘slipped into’ our facilitation work with clients. As facilitators we are called in when – for a certain challenge/topic – the full participation of different stakeholders is required with an outcome. The FourSight framework helps us in defining which part of the process – clarifying, ideating, developing or implementation – needs attention during a workshop. Once the subject matter owner (our client) is clear about the main objective(s) we have the tools & techniques linked to every part of the process to support the thinking of the participants.
I like to share the tools which helped me most during my facilitation work :
For clarifying : “KnoWonder”. Still feasible if you use a google docs and break outs with zoom.
For Ideating : a forced connection between the challenge and a visual (that’s why I always have a box of postcards with me). Still feasible if you ask to do a bit of individual paper homework upfront. You can ask to choose visuals from their phone or internet or use the ‘home setting as an inspirational view’
For developing : POINt which is listing all the Plusses, Opportunities, Issues of an idea and bringing in New Thinking on the idea. Still feasible if you use a google docs and break outs with zoom.
For implementing : Storyboarding. Feasible but needs advanced skills, so I would recommend a basic planning tool.
Good luck, stay safe, stay well !